Young woman unable to sleep

Stop Losing Sleep Over Sleep: 3 Common Myths That Increase Sleep Anxiety

Do you find yourself obsessing over the amount of sleep you get each night? Many of us do. Raising my hand here, I have counted myself among the crowd to worry about this one. We live in a society that constantly bombards us with information about the perfect amount of sleep needed to function well. […]

Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024

Lessons in Resilience from a Solar Eclipse

There’s something kind of magical about knowing exactly when the moon will sneak in front of the sun and cast a brief shadow over the day. I remember an eclipse when I was in middle school that I witnessed through a pinhole on a sheet of paper. While I didn’t see the eclipse directly because […]

What Do You Want?

Mastering Goals and Values in the New Year

The start of a new year always brings with it an evaluation of where you are now against where you want to be. As humans with the ability to make a big mess of good intentions, we like the idea of drawing a line in the sand and starting over. That’s what the month of […]

Old dog laying in the grass.

What an Old Dog Taught Me About Fear

A few years ago, my husband and son were away on a summer trip with our church youth group. I love my family, but I am still very much an only child. I love having uninterrupted time at my behest so I relished having a few days alone in the house. There’s a lot of […]

Woman holding two lipsticks

Avoid the Overthinking Trap and Make Faster Decisions

Remember the last time you stood in the makeup aisle, just staring at those hundred shades and brands of lipstick, wondering which one to buy? And then, after a gazillion minutes, you walked out of the store without buying any because you couldn’t decide between two slightly different shades of red? Welcome to the world […]