Entries by Lori R. Miller, LMHC

What an Old Dog Taught Me About Fear

A few years ago, my husband and son were away on a summer trip with our church youth group. I love my family, but I am still very much an only child. I love having uninterrupted time at my behest so I relished having a few days alone in the house. There’s a lot of […]

Avoid the Overthinking Trap and Make Faster Decisions

Remember the last time you stood in the makeup aisle, just staring at those hundred shades and brands of lipstick, wondering which one to buy? And then, after a gazillion minutes, you walked out of the store without buying any because you couldn’t decide between two slightly different shades of red? Welcome to the world […]

Finding Your Footing: Navigating the Complexities of Young Adulthood

The transition from teenage years to adulthood is often romanticized in movies, songs, and literature. Yet, those who are living it know all too well that this period can be as challenging as it is exhilarating. There’s an underlying pressure to “figure things out” — from choosing career paths and forming meaningful relationships to defining […]

Embracing the Next Chapter: Setting Goals for Midlife and Beyond

Life is a journey, punctuated by milestones, turning points, and crossroads. And all this time you thought life was a highway. 🙂 When we reach midlife, it can sometimes feel like we’re teeter-tottering between the stories of our past and the endless possibilities of our future. One day you feel like your experiences have prepared […]

Riding Life’s Roller Coaster – We Got You!

Life transitions – whether they’re anticipated or unexpected, positive or negative – can shake us to our very core. But remember, they’re also opportunities for personal growth, change, and new beginnings. So, how do we navigate these tumultuous times? Here are some strategies that can help you manage life transitions more effectively: Acknowledge Your Feelings […]

How to deal with uncertainty

It’s safe to say that we currently live in a world where we don’t know what could happen next. The last year has certainly challenged our perception of what is safe, true and believable. And I’m not just talking politics or viruses. We now live in a world that moves so fast we don’t have […]